
two. twelve. eleven

Know what! I feel so relieve. Fuh! Syukur sangat. It have been like so long that I've wait for this. I was so happy till I cleaned my entire house you know! I'm out of my mind this morning. Very hyper la today aish -.- no wonder la my cat start to chase me. bahahaha. 

Eisy, I have PAPARAZI? Hah! No more hiding this time! Go show yourself dude! Gentle kay no FORCE is being attempt here. I'm not sure. Are you jelly? Gosh please don't disturb me :3 you such a busybody :p Get it? Busy the body. Come let's have some deal here aite?

You mind your own stuff to do?
Because I've mine here.

You just stay there keep quiet and don't bother about my life.
because i've nothing to do with you.

I'm tired of you watching all my steps. Duh! stay away -.- 
there are so many humans out there and you just can't pick one of them???
This will be last warning for you paparazi or whatever those human called you before.

Lots of love,
nabilla razak


Labieu Peeps! :D